Usually safety for the elderly care

Often, older people are often hospitalized due to an injury that does not even have to worry about death. Therefore, it is important to know about the dangers and dangers of our elderly relatives.

With clothes, it is important that we take care of the clothes. This includes less clothing. He is dressed according to the nature of the goods, and they can also be laid out in a large number of garments. These shoes are important to prevent falls. These shoes should have non-slip soles.

Weather - It affects more than other women air, climate change, especially for older people in the colder months. The reason for heating is that you need time to check the work for you, well ventilating. Carefully promote physical activity to maintain and improve circulation at body temperature in the coldest months.

Food - Older people are more susceptible to illness and need to recover. Therefore, we must pay attention to cooking and administration. In addition, they affect the taste of the medicine, and sometimes it is difficult to know whether the food varies with each taste. This is important because everything is stored in the refrigerator for sensitive foods, and the food is poorly mixed, the pain is released.

Medication - Like seasonal changes in the digestive system. As a result, it is slower, slower than a medicine for blood, and the poison can be introduced into the circulatory system in another way. Another is that the disease and the elderly often receive medical attention, since each supplement aimed at calming the treatment with the drug increases the risk of drug interaction. It is important to inform older people about these changes in the game about side effects and signs, and visit a doctor regularly to make sure the medicine is effective.

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