Elderly Care: 5 tips to prevent falls

 Elderly Care: 5 tips to prevent falls - See statistics on falls among the elderly (about 450,000 people over 65 falls and break bones every year, and about 15,000 people die each year from falls). You will soon realize that your parents will do everything to hurry.

Luckily, there are many things you can do. Install security devices and fix up your tiny house. It's easy to follow and often gets in the way of your slide presentation. You can visit Best Elder Home Care for veterans home care in Aurora IL.

Elderly Care: 5 tips to prevent falls

Here are five tips for preventing falls in the elderly.

  1. Old people don't sit for long.

    Adults lose muscle due to lack of exercise. Most people think that the less you walk, the lower the risk. Does it sound relevant? This is because if people sit and walk too much, they tend to fall.

  2. Ask the parents to be quiet after they lie down or sit for a few minutes.

    Therefore, the blood in the elderly tends to adapt to changes in body position, which greatly reduces the risk of dizziness in the elderly.

  3. Check the old man's feet regularly.

    Ingrown toenails can affect older people's ability to walk and increase the risk of falls. Best of all, foot care helps improve traction and reduce the risk of falls.

  4. Light

    Use adequate lighting in areas where the elderly walk, even at night. Install automatic night lights with sensors that monitor the approach of people. It is recommended to use lights with sensors that automatically turn on when it gets dark.

  5. Keep night temperatures above 65 degrees.

    If older people spend many hours in a cold room, their body temperature may drop. When this happens, you wake up with dizziness and fainting.

There are many things you can do at home to help prevent blisters from slipping, but these 5 tips are a good start to reducing the likelihood of blisters slipping.


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